Page 2, The Mysterious Ukalope! (Uke-a-lope)
We got our first ever
East Coast sighting! This comes from Jade H, of Maine...
"My encounter with the Ukalope was quite an adventure! I was out in the woods with my dog, Bec, on our daily walk, before he started growling and ran off towards whatever he smelled. I chased him for a good five minutes before I tripped over tree roots, where I started tumbling down a small hill when I saw it. The ukalope was right there, and Bec was right there next to it, sniffing the creature, somehow I managed to not scare it off with my falling. The ukalope looked up from its meal, and we made eye contact before it darted off. That was the first, and last time I saw it.
Best of luck,
Jade H."
Well Jade, next time have your camera ready!
This next series comes from Jim P. of Santa Clara...
Jim Writes:
"it was late on a Tuesday night. I heard a sound out back, it sounded like some hippies having a hootenanny, but kinda muffled. I went out to tell em to take a hike, but there was no one there. Then I saw some weird thing in the bushes. I ran back in and grabbed my camera, but the picture didnt come out so great. But it looked like that ukeyloop thing, so I am sending it to you.
Hope you can use it.
Jim P."
Here is his original picture...

I tried enhancing it, and it seems like our ukalope...

Here it is outlined. You be the judge...