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See the Ukalope!
Ukalope wall of Fame!
Ukalope Merchandise!
Tee-Shirts and more!

All materials on this site Copyright Tiki King, 2011. All rights reserved. The Ukalope (aka ukealope, uke-a-lope) is a trademark of Tiki King, and may not be used without permission.
Exclusive Ukalope (Uke-a-lope) Souviners

Up until June, 2018, If you wanted to see the Ukalope in person, you would have gone to Ukuleles Of Felton. While you were there marveling in all it's glory, you might have picked up an "I saw the Ukalope" sticker, or a mysterious Ukalope button, Maybe you can got your picture up on the "We saw the Ukalope" virtual bulletin board!...the possibilities were endless!*

But now you can pick up a Ukalope tee shirt, coffee mug, or any of a million** other great products from our Cafepress store! Have it shipped right to you!

(not actual size)

That's right! This is your chance to not only to make 'em wonder, but also to show them that you are "in the know" at the same time!

Please go "Like" The Ukalope Page on Facebook!
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*Possibilities were, to some extent limited. Your experience may have varied
**We do not actually offer a million products